The Best of MacTutor - S…e Code for Volumes 1 to 5
The Best of MacTutor - Source Code for Volume 1-5 (Wayzata Technology)(6031)(1990).bin
Source Code
#33 (Jun 88)
Fkey Source Files
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Assembly Source File
498 lines
;File: FkeyTemp.Asm
;An Fkey sampler Fkey
;By John Holder 2/8/87
;Revised 3/29/88
Include Traps.D
Include Toolequ.D
Include Sysequ.D
;Macros to save & restore the registers
MACRO SaveRegs =
movem.l A0-A4/D0-D7,-(SP)
MACRO RestoreRegs =
movem.l (SP)+,A0-A4/D0-D7
;All equates go here
;these are offsets into the global storage.
;(a non-relocatable block we created pointed to by A4)
sfReply equ 0 ;sfreply record
GetVRef equ 6
GetVers equ 8
GFileName equ 10
IOParamBlk equ 76 ;IOparamblock (80 bytes)
WindPtr equ 156 ;for our background ;window
EventBlk equ 160 ;Event Block
what equ 160 ;Event number
message equ 162 ;Additional information
when equ 166 ;Time event was posted
where equ 170 ;Mouse coordinates
modify equ 174 ;State of keys and button
wWindow equ 176 ;Window pointer
Menu1Hndl equ 180 ;handle to our Apple menu
Menu2Hndl equ 184 ;handle to our File menu
oldMenuBar equ 188 ;handle to applications ;menu
TheWindow equ 192 ;for _FindWindow
;event masks for _GetOSEvent
mDownMask equ 2
keyDownMask equ 8
;Menu equates
AppleMenu equ 1 ;Apple Menu
AboutItem equ 1
FileMenu equ 2 ;File Menu
OpenFkeyItem equ 1
QuitItem equ 3
;All FKEY's must have this FKEY resource header!
bra.s StartIt ;branch over header
dc 0 ;flags (not used)
dc.b 'FKEY' ;resource type
dc 9 ;Resource ID #
dc 0 ;version # (not used)
SaveRegs ;save regs MACRO
subq #4,SP
move.l SP,-(SP)
_GetPort ;save Port for later
_InitCursor ;standard arrow cursor
;does application have a menu??? if not, then quit!
move.l MenuList,D0
beq NoMenuJump ;no menu, beep & quit!
move.l #200,D0 ;200 bytes of storage
_NewPtr,CLEAR ;for our globals
move.l A0,A4 ;pointer in A4
cmp.l #0,A4
bne.s StorageOk ;if not zero, ptr is ok!
bsr Mem_Error ;otherwise beep
bra No_Mem ;and quit
bsr SetUpMenus ;set up our menus
bsr SetUpWindow ;set up background ;window
MainLoop ;standard event loop
clr -(SP)
move #$0FFF,-(SP) ;event mask
pea EventBlk(A4) ;Place to return results
_GetNextEvent ;Look for an event
move (SP)+,D2
beq MainLoop ;zero if we shouldn't
move What(A4),D0 ;respond
add D0,D0
move EventTable(D0),D0
jmp EventTable(D0) ;jump to appropriate ;routine
dc MainLoop-EventTable ;null event
dc MouseDown-EventTable ;mouse down
dc MainLoop-EventTable ;mouse up
dc KeyDown-EventTable ;key down
dc MainLoop-EventTable ;key up
dc KeyDown-EventTable ;auto key
dc UpDateJump-EventTable ;update event
dc MainLoop-EventTable ;disk event
dc MainLoop-EventTable ;activate event
dc MainLoop-EventTable ;abort
dc MainLoop-EventTable ;network event
dc MainLoop-EventTable ;I/O driver event
clr.l -(SP) ;for returned pointer
clr.l -(SP) ;let Mac make storage
pea WindowRect ;windows rectangle
clr.l -(SP) ;no title
move.b #1,-(SP) ;it is visible
move #plainDBox,-(SP) ;Type of window
move.l #-1,-(SP) ;in front
move.b #0,-(SP) ;no close box
clr.l -(SP) ;refcon zero
_NewWindow ;make window!
move.l (SP),WindPtr(a4) ;pointer into global
_SetPort ;set as the port
clr.l -(SP) ;get applications menu
_GetMenuBar ;bar handle for later
move.l (SP)+,oldMenuBar(A4) ;restoration!
_ClearMenuBar ;clear Apps menu bar
;make all of our menus
;the apple menu
clr.l -(SP)
move #1,-(SP)
pea AppleSymbol
move.l (SP)+,Menu1Hndl(A4)
move.l Menu1Hndl(A4),-(sp)
pea 'About Fkey Sampler...'
move.l Menu1Hndl(A4),-(sp)
move #2,-(SP)
;the File menu
clr.l -(SP)
move #2,-(SP)
pea 'File'
move.l (SP)+,Menu2Hndl(A4)
move.l Menu2Hndl(A4),-(sp)
pea 'Open FKEY/F'
move.l Menu2Hndl(A4),-(sp)
pea '(-'
move.l Menu2Hndl(A4),-(sp)
pea 'Quit/Q'
move.l Menu2Hndl(A4),-(sp)
clr -(SP)
_DrawMenuBar ;draw the new menu bar
bsr UpDateWindow
bra MainLoop
;This routine keeps our background window (The DeskTop!)
;the same pattern as the current standard desktop!
move.l WindPtr(A4),-(SP) ;our background ;window
_BeginUpdate ;is kept in WindPtr(A4)
move.l WindPtr(A4),-(SP)
pea PaintRect ;the rectangle to paint
pea DeskPattern ;global var, contains
_FillRect ;pattern used for desktop
move.l WindPtr(A4),-(SP)
;A key down event occured, check if the command key was
;down, if not, get the next event!
move Modify(A4),D1
btst #8,D1 ;check command key bit
beq MainLoop ;zero if command key
;is not down!
clr.l -(sp)
move message+2(A4),-(sp) ;put char onto stack
_MenuKey ; for _MenuKey
move.l (sp)+,D4 ;put result in D4
beq MainLoop ;if zero, no menu ;equivalent
bra WhatMenu
;A mousedown event occured, we only check if its in a menu, if
;not then get the next event!
clr -(SP) ;word result
move.l where(A4),-(SP) ;where field of ;event record
pea TheWindow(A4) ;returns the window ;pntr the
_FindWindow ;mouse was clicked in,
move (SP)+,D0 ;if it was in one.
add D0,D0
move WindowTable(D0),D0
jmp WindowTable(D0) ;jump to appropriate ;routine
;We only use InMenu event!
dc MainLoop-WindowTable ;In Desk
dc InMenu-WindowTable ;In Menu Bar
dc MainLoop-WindowTable ;In System Window
dc MainLoop-WindowTable ;in Content
dc MainLoop-WindowTable ;in drag
dc MainLoop-WindowTable ;in grow
dc MainLoop-WindowTable ;in go away
;The mouse was clicked in the menu bar.
clr.l -(SP)
move.l where(A4),-(SP)
move.l (SP)+,D4
beq MainLoop ;zero if no item selected
;jump to here after command key down event
move.l D4,D6 ;D6 will now have the
swap D4 ; item # D4 will have ;menu #
cmp #AppleMenu,D4 ;is it in the apple menu?
beq InAppleMenu ;if so, go see which ;item!
cmp #FileMenu,D4 ;is it in the File menu?
beq InFileMenu
bra MainLoop ;where else could it be!
InAppleMenu ;in the "Apple" menu
cmp #AboutItem,D6
beq DoAbout ;its in the About... Item!
bra MainLoop
InFileMenu ;in the "File" menu
cmp #OpenFkeyItem,D6 ;in the OpenFkey Item?
beq Open_Fkey ;if so go open it!
cmp #QuitItem,D6 ;Quit item?
beq QuitRoutine ;if so go quit
bra MainLoop
;Show the "About Fkey Sampler..." window
saveregs ;save the registers
clr.l -(SP)
clr.l -(SP)
pea AboutRect
move.l #0,-(SP)
move.b #1,-(SP)
move #1,-(SP)
move.l #-1,-(SP)
move.b #0,-(SP)
clr.l -(SP)
_NewWindow ;make a window
move.l (SP),A2 ;put pointer into A2
_SetPort ;make it the port
move #Monaco,-(SP) ;Use the Monaco Font
move #9,-(SP) ;make it 9 point (size)
pea MyTextBegin ;address of "About" Text
;calculate how many chars in text for TextBox
move.l #MyTextEnd-MyTextBegin,-(SP)
pea TextRect ;rectangle for text
move #1,-(SP) ;center justification
bsr Wait_For_Event ;wait for button/key down
move.l A2,-(SP)
_DisposWindow ;get rid of the window
bsr UnHiliteIt ;go unhilight the menu!
move.l WindPtr(A4),-(sp)
_SetPort ;reset our old port
restoreregs ;restore registers
bra MainLoop ;go get another event
;Wait for mouse or key down event
link A6,#-evtBlkSize ;link, event block size
lea -evtBlkSize(A6),A0 ;ptr to event block in A0
moveq #mDownMask!KeyDownMask,D0 ;Event masks in D0
beq Clicked ;if zero, time to leave!
bra WaitLoop ;loop until event
Clicked ;mouse or key clicked!
unlk A6 ;unlink A6
;Quitting, dispose of all our storage and menus and return to
;the application that the Fkey was called from!
move.l WindPtr(A4),-(SP) ;dump background
_DisposWindow ;window
move.l Menu1Hndl(A4),-(SP) ;dump our #1
_DisposMenu ;menu
move.l Menu2Hndl(A4),-(SP) ;dump our #2
_DisposMenu ;menu
_ClearMenuBar ;clear the menu
move.l oldMenuBar(A4),-(SP)
_SetMenuBar ;restore apps menu bar!
move.l oldMenuBar(A4),A0 ;dump copy of
_DisposHandle ;apps menu handle!
_DrawMenuBar ;draw it
move.l A4,A0
_DisposPtr ;dump our global ;storage
move.l #$0000FFFF,D0 ;flush all events
_SetPort ;set original port!
restoreregs ;restore the registers
rts ;return to the application!
;Couldn't allocate space for our global storage area
;just beep & quit!
move #10,-(SP)
;Unhilight menu bar after mouse down in a menu item
move #0,-(SP)
;Get a file of type "FKEY", open its resource fork, and
;execute the Fkey (if there is one) contained in it!
saveregs ;save registers
move #82,-(SP) ;coordinates for GetFile
move #100,-(SP) ;dialog box
clr.l -(SP) ;prompt
clr.l -(SP) ;File Filter Proc Pointer
move #1,-(SP) ;number of file types
pea TypeList ;our type list
clr.l -(SP) ;Dialog Hook Proc Pointer
pea sfReply(A4) ;sfreply record
move #2,-(SP) ;#2 for SFGetFile
_Pack3 ;Call the Get File Pack
cmp.b #0,sfReply(A4)
beq Cancel ;if user hit cancel, quit!
bsr UpDateWindow ;update window before
;opening the Fkey
lea IOParamBlk(A4),A2 ;the IO param block
clr.l 12(A2) ;zero "ioCompletion"
lea GFileName(A4),A0 ;put a pointer to the files
move.l A0,18(A2) ;name into "ioNamePtr"
move GetVRef(A4),22(A2) ;"ioVRefNum"
move.l A2,A0 ;put param block ptr in A0
_SetVol ;set as current volume
clr -(SP) ;space for refnum
pea GFileName(A4) ;name of res file to open
_OpenResFile ;Open that resource file
move (SP)+,D7 ;put result in D7
cmp #-1,D7 ;will be -1 if any
beq Cancel ;if error go to cancel
;this stops resources from being loaded with GetIndResource,
;GetResource or GetNamedResource
move.w #0,-(sp)
clr.l -(sp)
move.l #'FKEY',-(sp)
move #1,-(sp)
_GetIndResource ;get first FKEY resource
move.l (sp)+,A3 ;handle into A3
;Turns Automatic resource loading back on!
move.b #1,-(sp)
clr.l -(sp)
move.l A3,-(sp)
move.l (sp)+,D2 ;how big is the resource?
cmp.l #-1,D2 ;-1 = no resource
beq NotEnoughMem ;no resource error so quit
;do we have enough memory to load the FKEY
move.l D2,D0
move.l A0,A1
cmp.l #0,A1 ;was zero returned?
beq NotEnoughMem ;not enough room, so quit!
_DisposHandle ;otherwise dispose the new
;handle, and go on..
move.l A3,-(sp)
_LoadResource ;Load resource into memory!
clr -(sp)
move.l A3,-(SP)
_HomeResFile ;what resource file
move (sp)+,D2 ;is this resource from?
cmp D2,D7 ;is it from new file?
beq YepItsFromNewFile ;yep!
bra NotEnoughMem ;if not, close the res
;file and quit!
move.l A3,A0
_Hlock ;Lock it before jumping to it
move.l (A3),A2 ;put pointer to FKEY in A2
SaveRegs ;save the regs
jsr (A2) ;Run the Fkey!!
RestoreRegs ;restore the regs
move.l A3,A0
_HUnlock ;UnLock FKEY handle
bsr CloseIt ;go close res file
restoreregs ;restore the regs
bsr UnHiliteIt ;unhilight the menu
bra MainLoop ;get the next event
bsr CloseIt
bra Cancel
move D7,-(SP)
_CloseResFile ;Close the res file
;All constants go here
;rect of background (desktop) window
;make it giant to cover entire background!
WindowRect dc 0,0,4000,4000
PaintRect dc 0,0,4000,4000
TypeList dc.b 'FKEY'
;rect of "About..." window
AboutRect dc 130,100,190,412
;rect text will be displayed in for _TextBox
TextRect dc 10,10,90,302
AppleSymbol dc.b 1,$14 ;apple symbol for menu #1
MyTextBegin dc.b 'Fkey Sampler 1.0',$0D,$0D
dc.b 'Written by John Holder'